JetSearch starts to work normally after I purge all cache in Litespeed plugin


Based on the ticket's reply of your support on Wordpress's Litespeed support forum, I had to create seperate ticket on LiteSpeed forum.

The problem we’re facing with is that search box by JetSearch plugin stops working randomly (usually after 7 days) on our main language Slovene, it works fine on German, Croation and English or sometimes randomly it works on everyone except Croatian for example.

To give you context, we’re using JetSearch for search box, WPML for multilanguage translation and Litespeed plugin for caching.

We currently solve problem by purging all the cache in Litespeed plugin, but this is not long term solution.

I’ve contacted the JetSearch's support, but they’ve replied that they don’t have the instructions on how to configure JetSearch with LS, so I should get in contact with you.

Do you have any suggestions?

Best regards,