Missing Documentation about lscache_runner and lscache_walker

All LiteSpeed plugins and crawler scripts uses lscache_runner or lscache_walker User-Agent, but there is no documentation about these 2 User-Agents. The last information I got (from @Lauren) many years ago was, that lscache_runner extends the cache lifetime by the set TTL value if the cache is not expired.

Is this information still correct?
3 days have passed without a response from LiteSpeed.

Since there is no response, how can this be interpreted?

1. LiteSpeed doesn't know the answer. Does LiteSpeed know what LiteSpeed does?

2. LiteSpeed doesn't know the answer. Why then does LiteSpeed use special user agents if different user agents generate different status codes (200,201)

3. LiteSpeed doesn't want to answer because an answer would reveal a serious bug in the LiteSpeed web server?

4. Or does the lack of response follow the Chinese doctrine: "Never answer a support request that you cannot answer or you do not want to answer."?

However, the lack of response results from the fact that the LiteSpeed LScache engine contains a huge bug that has existed for at least 10 years and has serious effects on the cache quality of the LiteSpeed web server. You could also say that LiteSpeed is advertising something with special features even though it does not exist.

Is this another way to fake?