3.2 httpd.conf with dedicated IPs generated by Cpanel not working

My httpd conf looks like this for a vhost on a dedicated IP. This is generated with WHM 10.8.0 cPanel 10.9.1-S14304 running on CentOS 4.5. Cpanel appears to create a VirtualHost entry even for sites on dedicated IPs.

ServerAlias featuredauction.com
ServerAdmin webmaster@featuredauction.com
DocumentRoot /home/featured/public_html
BytesLog domlogs/featuredauction.com-bytes_log
ServerName www.featuredauction.com

ServerAlias featuredauction.com
ServerAdmin webmaster@featuredauction.com
DocumentRoot /home/featured/public_html
BytesLog domlogs/featuredauction.com-bytes_log
ServerName www.featuredauction.com

User featured
Group featured
CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/featuredauction.com combined
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/featured/public_html/cgi-bin/

The main site IP is at 178. When Litespeed is configured to pull the Apache config it ignores all the additional IPs, and worse, sits on ALL incoming available IP addresses, making it impossible to set it up in conjunction with another webserver. I can provide the full httpd.conf if that will help diagnose the issue.


LiteSpeed Staff
If possible, please pm me temp root login, I can take a quick look. it is the fastest way to have this issue solved. otherwise, please send your full httpd.conf to

bug @ ...


LiteSpeed Staff
Maybe it is a configuration problem. Have you configure LiteSpeed to create a listener as *:80 form web admin console? You should remove that listener if you do.


LiteSpeed Staff
I turned of the "Apache IP Offset", you should only use "Apache port offset".
The standard edition has a limit of 5 Apache vhosts. so some of your Apache vhosts configuration in httpd.conf has been ignored. For the first 5 vhosts, it works on port 81.