403 errors not caught correctly

This appears to be a problem unique to litespeed, it does not occur in apache. 2.2 or 2.4 where it works as intended (on my test platforms).

A directory with 700 or 711 permissions should throw a 403 error, instead it shows directory listing page but with no files displayed and a message about no access allowed.

An .htaccess

ErrorDocument 403 /youmaynotaccess.html

does not work for directory but does work for a file with 600 or 700 permissions.

url/.htaccess shows 403 error page correctly but does not redirect with errordocument

404 errors do work correctly and redirect

The version is 5.1.13 enterprise

I do not have server access only client level via cpanel. (no whm or root)

Some assistance would be appreciated Thankyou
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Thankyou Mistwang for that A QUESTION: as I stated I do not have admin access, so I will have to persuade hosting company to use this fix. So that I can provide more information to them, does that script impact on the server in any other way which could interfere with the way server responds that may affect usage and impact other users, as while I have a dedicated IP address, the hosting is shared using cloudlinux with cagefs


Staff member
no other impact. just update the behavior of autoindex. Yes, you do need to ask your hosting company to make such change.