404 Error - Changed from NGINX to LiteSpeed with CentosWebPanel

I have changed my server over from NGINX Varnish to try LiteSpeed Enterprise, after seeing the performance comparisons.

It's changed over 99% perfectly, but I have noticed one issue with a single website. (note, all other sites are fine)

One website is giving 404 errors when permalinks are set to POST NAME.

These pages are viewable when changed over to default post name (P=123) etc.

I have had a look around online but it points towards HTACCESS, although my HTACCESS files are the same for all of my websites.

A few places are also stating to add :
<Directory /var/www/html/yourDirectory> AllowOverride All </Directory>

Into my apache conf file. The only strange thing now is that I don't have a few of my old folders such as var/www & etc/httpd
So i can't change these settings.

Has anyone else got any ideas? I'm just so confused as it's only affected a single website.

Thanks in advance.


Staff member
If you switch to apache, does 404 happen to your WordPress site?
Make sure your apache running well( wired configuration will need to be fixed in apache conf) since LiteSpeed will read apache conf to act the same.
Thanks for responding.

Apache is not running & won't start via CentosWebPanel manager

Failed to start httpd.service: Unit not found.
IF i switch to Apache, it doesn't resolve the issue. I fixed this issue by using the backup HTAccess file.

Something must have changed during the switchover.
