500 Error - Apache Running as SuEXEC while LSWS not on cPanel - Version 5.4.1


I have litespeed version 5.4.1 and mod_suexec installed on Apache through easyApache4
Also I have enable suEXEC on litespeed.

I have only PHP 7.3 installed on this server.

When I change an .htaccess (for example mydomain.com) then I see a 500 error message in all of my pages and at error_log I see exactly (except path and users of course) message like this:

2016-03-10 15:39:45.601 [NOTICE] [] [STDERR] PHP Warning: require_once(/home/demowebsites/public_html/goodmail/wp-config.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/demowebsites/public_html/goodmail/wp-load.php on line 37
2016-03-10 15:39:45.601 [NOTICE] [] [STDERR] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/demowebsites/public_html/goodmail/wp-config.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/share/pear') in /home/demowebsites/public_html/goodmail/wp-load.php on line 37
I must make a manual reboot of litespeed to make disappear 500 error.

The problem is for all of my domains. If I change and save the .htaccess those domain will have 500 error until make manual litespeed reboot.

It's a bug of litespeed? I have both enable suEXEC...

Please advice.