CENTOS 6.6 x86_64 standard Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520 @ 2.27GHz *8CPU 32G Ram
LiteSpeed Enterprise 4.2.12 ,LSAPI 6.6
PHP5.3.27 EacceLerator V0.9.6.1-ea
ionCube V4.6.1
Zend Guard Loader v3.3
Suhosin V0.9.33
with these extension enable,many 503 happened everyday.
such as:
when i disable Suhosin,there are Out of memory (allocated 8278245376) (tried to allocate 80 bytes),i set max-hard-memory limit 8G. these still happened.
but when there are fewer customer visit. it didn;t happened.
please help me. how can i fixed it.
thank you.
LiteSpeed Enterprise 4.2.12 ,LSAPI 6.6
PHP5.3.27 EacceLerator V0.9.6.1-ea
ionCube V4.6.1
Zend Guard Loader v3.3
Suhosin V0.9.33
with these extension enable,many 503 happened everyday.
such as:
when i disable Suhosin,there are Out of memory (allocated 8278245376) (tried to allocate 80 bytes),i set max-hard-memory limit 8G. these still happened.
but when there are fewer customer visit. it didn;t happened.
please help me. how can i fixed it.
thank you.
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