"503 Service Unavailable" Error!


LiteSpeed Staff
Are you using cPanel?
Please check LSWS error log and stderr.log, under either lsws/logs/ directory or /usr/local/apache/logs/ directory.


Well-Known Member
"503 Service Unavailable" Error! also but without cpanel


On some users a link for example:

Gives this error:

03 Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily busy, try again later! Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server
Lite Speed Technologies is not responsible for administration and contents of this web site!

But to me the same link and the same time is ok.

I use direct admin.


LiteSpeed Staff
maybe it is random 503 errors, or related to that user.

try to follow the instructions in our wiki for trouble shooting.

Trouble shooting

If you LiteSpeed PHP setup give 503 errors, you may have PHP configuration problem, usually it is because the version of a loadable module does not match the PHP version used. You need to recompile the loadable module to fix it.
Some trouble shooting techniques:
  • check lsws/logs/stderr.log and lsws/logs/error.log.
  • try to start the lsphp binary with matching user id with command like
sudo -u nobody ./lsphp5 -i
  • compare the phpinfo() page to a working installation, sometimes, due to permission problem, php configuration files cannot be fully loaded.
  • strace/truss/ktrace a lsphp process, it shows all the system calls made by the process.


LiteSpeed Staff
I have switched back to apache to test it, that URL will result in a blank page.

The problem is not litespeed specific, but a PHP internal problem, for some reason PHP engine crash when serving that specific request no matter LSWS or Apache is used.

If you can fix the problem with Apache, it should work with LSWS as well.