A few questions

  1. We have an extremely large VPS for hosting clients. Dual Xeon-2670, 16GB RAM are assigned to it. (Imagine the actualy dedicated server). Load is at 52-54% all of the time. I guess this means I gotta buy VPS ultra + 2x 8 cores license?
  2. I am in a caged environment. CageFS + CloudLinux. Is LiteSpeed compatible with both?
  3. I receive occasionaly the famous XML-RPC wordpress-amplified attack. I guess since LSWS can handle more connections this won't be an issue?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hi Felix,

1. You do not need 2 8-CPU licenses. You do not need to buy licenses for all your cores. For your setup, I would suggest a 2-CPU or 4-CPU license. (I would suggest starting first with a trial license. Trial licenses are 2-CPU licenses.) Our licensing system is explained here: http://www.litespeedtech.com/support/wiki/doku.php?id=litespeed_wiki:license:what_license_to_choose
2. LSWS is fully compatible with CloudLinux. They're one of our closest partners.
3. LSWS's efficiency at handling connections will definitely help with mitigating DDoS attacks. At a certain point, if the attack is just too huge, it could be a problem, but LSWS will definitely fare much, much better than Apache. (We also have anti-DDoS features that will help block the attack.)


Hi Michael,

thanks for the fast answer. I did a dstat of the last week. We achieve around 40 times the peak of 1.1k connections per second.

I guess the VPS license will cover it also?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hi Felix,

There are a couple different limits that the VPS and Ultra VPS license would run into. The VPS license has a limit of 2GB RAM. The Ultra VPS license has a limit of 8GB RAM. Both these licenses will not run on your 16GB RAM VPS. Also, these licenses have concurrent connection limits — 500 for the VPS license and 800 for the Ultra VPS license. Your 1,100 connections per second sounds like it will go over the connection limit. (You can check concurrent connections by running
netstat -an | grep 80 | grep ESTA | wc -l .) Going over your connection limit will only cause connections to be queued, but it is not ideal to go over the limit too often.

We run on dual 10Gbit ports with SSDs on the server. We only have one server and we want to keep 1 VPS for the hosting.

Here is from your buy page.
Ultra VPS licenses are limited to 8GB RAM and 800 concurrent connections. A 1-CPU license is required for VPSs exceeding these restrictions.
If I read carefully, it seems buying a 1-CPU license bypasses the two restrictions of 8GB and 800 concurrent connections.

If not, can we put a non-vps license on the VPS to bypass these?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If I read carefully, it seems buying a 1-CPU license bypasses the two restrictions of 8GB and 800 concurrent connections.

If not, can we put a non-vps license on the VPS to bypass these?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. These two options seem the same to me. But, yes, a 1-CPU license does not have those restrictions. For large VPSs (like yours), you need 1-CPU licenses.

I'm not quite sure what you're asking. These two options seem the same to me. But, yes, a 1-CPU license does not have those restrictions. For large VPSs (like yours), you need 1-CPU licenses.

Ok, awesome.

I guess this setup would leave me unhindered?:
Ultra VPS license + either 2 core or 4 core license


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sorry. I should have been more clear from the beginning. You do not need an Ultra VPS license and another license. Each server only needs one license. (In fact, each server can only have one license.) You just need a 2-CPU or 4-CPU license. You do not need the Ultra VPS license.
