Accept-Encoding not checking q value


Well-Known Member

1. If the content-coding is one of the content-codings listed in
the Accept-Encoding field, then it is acceptable, unless it is
accompanied by a qvalue of 0. (As defined in section 3.9, a
qvalue of 0 means "not acceptable.")

wget --header='Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=0' --save-headers http://localhost:8088/ returns a gzip'ed version of the page. The q value of 0 should have disabled gzip as a valid content encoding.

LSWS Std 3.1.1, Linux


LiteSpeed Staff
That's true that LSWS does not check the q value.
Is it possible to remove "gzip" completely from the header?
It will save some effort on both side. ;)