Access.log empty

I have an empty access.log and cannot figure out why it isn't logging entries. I had Apache working and it was logging to its access.log, but after I made the switch to litespeed, the access.log for it is not gathering information.

I have the settings put into the web admin control panel in the Server configuration. This is a standalone standalone server with no virtual hosts, just a single site, so I want the server access.log. I have tried both $SERVER_ROOT and the hard coded path.

Screen Shot 2019-08-14 at 4.01.23 PM.png

If I delete the access.log and restart litespeed, it creates the file with zero bytes. As I navigate a new user to the site, nothing gets logged.

I have no errors on the server log when I restart except that memory is too low at 4096 (I upped it from the default 2047 but still get the message).

Ownership of the log dir and access.log file is nobody nogroup with 644 permissions (same as the error logs). The error logs are working fine.

There is no cpanel. PHP 7.3.
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Update: I have checked the permissions of the folders and files. I have went through all of the settings on the web admin panel. I have verified it is NOT logging to the DEFAULT folder logs. If I delete the access.log, it recreates it immediately. error logs show nothing related to this issue and are logging fine. If I switch back to Apache, it logs to the access.log just fine. Everything seems to be working with the exception of the access.log, and I need the custom logging for time taken for performance purposes. Anyone?
root     11399     1  0 21:27 ?        00:00:00 litespeed (lshttpd - main)
nobody   11402 11399  0 21:27 ?        00:00:00 litespeed (lshttpd - #01)
The main process is running under root, with a child running under nobody. Is this correct?
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I think I know where I am missing it. I guess I just did not grasp the concept of virtual hosts. "Unlike other web servers, LiteSpeed Web Server does not have a default web site. Every web site is configured as a virtual host even if only one web site is hosted." I am trying to make the server the default site and it is not configured to do this. I am going to set up a virtual host today and if this makes it work, then I will update this thread.
CPanel - as in I am not installing this on a hosting company. I have direct access to the server and the only control panel is LiteSpeed Web Control panel for Admin. I am getting closer here, but there is a LOT more configuration to this server than I realized.
OK, update. I enabled the virtual host, enabled the listener, established the right symbolic links, and it appears to be working with one issue. While I now have access logs, the screens for setting up log directories and custom logging formats will not save. I cannot change the document root to an absolute path. I cannot add custom access log options. I cannot configure error or access logs to use the servers logs. It will not save these changes and reverts back to default. Can I edit these options in a file directly or is there a permission setting I may not have set correctly?