every time lsws runns longer than 10 minutes, i can not access the management site (7080) at all ...
its simply loads forever while the (only one) production host
serves 120-350pages/sec with out any issues at all.
this morning the server did restart basically every 2 minutes to fix 503 errors.
i upgraded then to "Enterprise v4.2.1 (2 CPU)"
now the 503 restarts are gone and the production site works flawless without me having any code changed.
however if i go now to administations-urls like config/confMgr.php?m=serv
i get error 500
and have to restart lsws via commandline to get arround this (soft restart via web interface does not do anything)
any idea what that could be ?
the machine is a dedicated webserver,
has only 2 working tasks running lsws and lsphp5
always about 2gb memory free, no swap used, load never higher as 0.05
its simply loads forever while the (only one) production host
serves 120-350pages/sec with out any issues at all.
this morning the server did restart basically every 2 minutes to fix 503 errors.
i upgraded then to "Enterprise v4.2.1 (2 CPU)"
now the 503 restarts are gone and the production site works flawless without me having any code changed.
however if i go now to administations-urls like config/confMgr.php?m=serv
i get error 500
and have to restart lsws via commandline to get arround this (soft restart via web interface does not do anything)
any idea what that could be ?
the machine is a dedicated webserver,
has only 2 working tasks running lsws and lsphp5
always about 2gb memory free, no swap used, load never higher as 0.05