what does this mean? AFAIK, the APC source is the same, we just have to compile it again for new php version by using the new ppize and php-config path
Remove the current APC source directory. Re-download APC package and uncompress. And start the compilation from the beginning.
Looks like you compiled APC for PHP 4.4 and then used the same source directory for PHP 5. You usually can get away with this with "make clean" by removing all PHP 4.4 generated config files but most often than not, you run into problems if all files are not removed.
Remove the current APC source directory. Re-download APC package and uncompress. And start the compilation from the beginning.
Looks like you compiled APC for PHP 4.4 and then used the same source directory for PHP 5. You usually can get away with this with "make clean" by removing all PHP 4.4 generated config files but most often than not, you run into problems if all files are not removed.
Not sure what's going on with your setup. Hopefully other people can jump and help out.
The problem is not that you can't compile APC, it is that php.ini entries could be incorrect or that php is reading from the wrong php.ini so resulting in the fact it can't load/find the apc.so module.
The php binary is compiled to read php.ini from "../conf". Which means is that if lsphp is located in /lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp then the correct php.ini it reads must be in /lsws/conf/php.ini. In addition, you should not use any relative paths in php.ini.