[ASK] Use URL Rewrite in LiteSpeed

Morning ,

I am looking for looking for how to write the url rewrite in LiteSpeed ​​server
I have a url rewrite like this

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
^([^/]*) RewriteRule \. Html $ $ 1.php?% {QUERY_STRING} [NC]
RewriteRule ^ news / page (/ ([0-9 ]+))?$ berita.html? Terms = $ 2 [NC, L, QSA]
RewriteRule ^ news / ([a-zA-Z0-9-] *). Html $ beritadetail.html? Id = $ 1
It runs on apache but when I uploaded to the server LiteSpeed ​​why not run?

what should I do?

if anyone can help me how to write URL rewrite on LiteSpeed​​??

please help me??
This is show in my page

404 Not Found
The resource requested could not be found on this server! Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server
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