authentication failed with user in logs


Well-Known Member
2008-04-01 13:59:05.423	INFO	[] Authentication failed with user: 'admin'.
I see many of these lines on error_log, that IP address is mine. I never had any login failures with the admin username. Why does it show that? :confused:


LiteSpeed Staff
I have no clue, any part of your site require login as "admin"? Maybe it due to password change and the browser still send the old password it remembers?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I just realized that there is one url that is protected by htaccess with the username, admin. But then, I was able to login with the saved password in FireFox, password remained the same since that account was created. The error_log file shows at least 20 lines as pasted on the first message of this thread.
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