Best setup for our server?


Well-Known Member

We have a dedicated server:
- 8 cores
- 32gb ram
- Cloud Linux
- Centos 7
- lsapi

... on which we primarily run ecommerce sites, but also a few wordpress installs.

Most load seems to go to mysql, cxswatch, clamd. Usually we would sit somewhere around the 3-4 mark, and if all the above are running, maybe around 4-6, with the occasional spike. Only some sites will be able to have caching enabled, but we're working to move our most resource hungry ones across.

My question is, how many cores should we dedicate to LS worker processes?

I'm figuring 4 as sometimes mysql can be in the 250%+ mark.... though i guess this should settle down once the larger sites get moved across.

Some learned input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Staff member
"My question is, how many cores should we dedicate to LS worker processes? " is not critical to your situation. LiteSpeed doesn't use much resources. Mysql and php do. Try to enable cache as much as you can. Enable opcode cache for your php as well.


Well-Known Member
we already have opcache enabled.

I did find that cxswatch was hitting error_logs, so we've excluded these and load is much better.