i have the following plan
execute a url
either like this http://.../300/parameter
to be executed as /index.php?action=parameter but chached with 300 sec max age
or like http://.../0/parameter
where the 300 is a variable .. and if 0 mean cache-Control:no-cache
can anyone may helping me out in getting a htaccess formated for this pourpose ?
somethings like "RewriteRule ^(.*)?$ /index.php?go=$2 [E=Cache-Control:max-age=$1,L]"
well sort of
execute a url
either like this http://.../300/parameter
to be executed as /index.php?action=parameter but chached with 300 sec max age
or like http://.../0/parameter
where the 300 is a variable .. and if 0 mean cache-Control:no-cache
can anyone may helping me out in getting a htaccess formated for this pourpose ?
somethings like "RewriteRule ^(.*)?$ /index.php?go=$2 [E=Cache-Control:max-age=$1,L]"
well sort of