cache error - how to exclude page section from cache?

Hello all

My store located at Ceiling Speakers online has a currency switcher as part of its template theme.
we are wanting to know is there a way that this currency switcher can be excluded from the Litespeed cache files?

The switcher doesn't load the correct flag when changing currencies as its picking the flag from cache. We don't want to turn off all the cache as its great.

I have read up on Private blocks and 'no cache' blocks.

how can we do this? Is there a guide somewhere my developer can follow? I would appreciate any incite into what would work for my 'currency switcher' - i.e. would a 'private block' work or does it need to be 'no cache' type?

Thank you
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LiteSpeed Staff
Staff member
If you have set up multiple currencies in Magento, LiteMage should have a cache vary on currency automatically, basically each currency will have its own cached copies. At least it works with the demo store.
So maybe that's your customized currency switcher not work. Do you have a dev site that I can login and check? We do have LiteMage Cache set up service.