Comodo brute force rules work once then stop working. If I have an ongoing brute force and I restart litespeed their rules add one entry then stop adding entries and don't filter anything.
On their forum their final anwser was :
Any chance you could look into it with them to try and get these rules working ?
We are especially interested in the Wordpress and Joomla brute force rules.
Other rules seem to continue to work, just the brute force onces that only work once and don't seem to caus any 403 errors for the attacker, not even when the rule is triggered, almost as if it crashes just fater triggering the rule before factually blocking the query.
Comodo brute force rules work once then stop working. If I have an ongoing brute force and I restart litespeed their rules add one entry then stop adding entries and don't filter anything.
On their forum their final anwser was :
LiteSpeed has a limited support of mod_security rules, so we can't give guarantee of proper work, anyway we are going to contact with LiteSpeed developers to provide maximum compatibility and performance.
We are especially interested in the Wordpress and Joomla brute force rules.
Other rules seem to continue to work, just the brute force onces that only work once and don't seem to caus any 403 errors for the attacker, not even when the rule is triggered, almost as if it crashes just fater triggering the rule before factually blocking the query.