Compile multiple PHP version with suhosin


I have compiled 2 versions of PHP with LSWS, One version is php 5.3.26 and one is PHP 5.4.16 and now it is possible to switch between them with adding the desired "AddType application" MIME Type in .htaccess.
Now the problem is that I want to use my PHP with suhosin. Since I have build my default version (php 5.3.26) with easyapache, it is running with sohosin without any issue, But I don't know how to build my other version with sohosin.
I didn't find any option to build that with sohosin in litespeed.

Any help would be appreciated.


still need easyapache --- then build match php

the built different version lsphp are all saved in /usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin/
in your case,

fcgi-bin/lsphp5 is just a symbol-link, you can change it after you've finished building matching php.
Still doesn't work with suHosin

Thanks alot for replay
I've tried to compile both versions with easyapache, after compiling each I've renamed the folder to my custom folder and address it in my litespeed.
But The second version still doesn't runs with suhosin.
Thank you

Thank you so much, that was a helpful article. But as far as I know There is a risky feature in PHP (Eval) which cannot be disabled by anything but suHosin, So I need this.
I've compiled the suhosin with PHP 5.3.8 and 5.2.17 but I couldn't compile it with any higher version.
If you have any news about this, please update me.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
if suhosin does not work with the php 5.4, how can the feature (Eval) be disabled by suhosin? you either have to stick with the old php (5.3 or 5.2) that works with suhosin or not use suhosin for the time being.

further, your original question is more for and suhosin developer. It is better you follow up with them.