We're looking into howto make sure that sites don't break when we revert to apache.
We've set up multiple PHP versions but only with Litespeed and not with Apache.
Litespeeds documentation says to add :
AddType application/x-httpd-php54 php54
This is good for testing purposes but if this account was to be moved to a server without application/x-httpd-php54 the user would get errors.
Is there someway to make this conditional, like the ifModule or ifDefined directives in apache ?
We're looking into howto make sure that sites don't break when we revert to apache.
We've set up multiple PHP versions but only with Litespeed and not with Apache.
Litespeeds documentation says to add :
AddType application/x-httpd-php54 php54
This is good for testing purposes but if this account was to be moved to a server without application/x-httpd-php54 the user would get errors.
Is there someway to make this conditional, like the ifModule or ifDefined directives in apache ?