I'm getting this error as of going go 11.25 and while the last two lines may very well be a cPanel issue the first 2 concern me as far as LSWS.
Edit: I confirmed this is only occuring on LiteSpeed powered servers at least as far as my testing but I'm going to continue doing more.
Apache detected an error in the Rewrite config.
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: line 17: /usr/local/lsws/logs/ap_cmd_param.log: Permission denied
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: line 19: ulimit: virtual memory: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
Syntax error on line 320 of /home/account/public_html/.htaccess.ibn1it3wPyFLdWma2iFNh28BBcfu5Hu4:
RewriteCond without matching RewriteCond section
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