Critical CSS


I am trying to get litespeed to generate critical CSS to stop my website having a flash of unrendered content, however it doesn't seem to be generating - regardless of having the background option on or off.
  • It notes it was last generated about a week ago, which doesn't change.
  • I've seen some people say that when the option is off, litespeed banks up a list of URLs to process manually - mine doesn't do that either
  • I've turned on debugging, however it does not reveal any error messages
  • I've tried clearning the entire cache to see if it triggers anything, and it does not.
  • WP_Cron IS disabled on the WP_config, but there is a cPanel rule to run the cron regularly.
Are there any tips to fix this - or even a cron i can run manually?

Thanks so much for your help in advance.

