DirectAdmin Setup

I'm trying to replace apache in a DirectAdmin installation but I'm having a hard time...

1) To start with, directadmin keeps restarting apache and won't let SLWS listen on port 80 and 443. I have to kill directadmin, kill apache and in a rush restart SLWS to get it listening on port 80 and 443.
Maybe I could solve this changing apache default ports but I'd prefer to get rid completely of apache. How to do that under DirectAdmin without breaking everything?

2) Also the httpd.conf import seems to not have worked at all since every website served by SLWS points to the default SLWS page and not to their own content.
I've tried setting "Load Apache Configuration" to Yes, but didn't solve the problem.

Has anyone successfully got SLWS running on a DirectAdmin box? Or at least has some clue on how to solve the above problems?


LiteSpeed Staff
You should ask the first question to directadmin team, we have no answer here.

For the second question, we need a sample httpd.conf generated by directadmin for testing. If you want, you can send your httpd.conf to info @ litespeedtech ... , we keep it confidiental.
I was able to make everything work by editing lsws configuration directly by lsws web interface.

But that broke DirectAdmin so I had to temporarily uninstall lsws and move back to apache since we're going live with this server in a few days.

But I'm forwarding you a copy of our httpd.conf as you requested and I hope lsws gets along with DirectAdmin soon so that we can exchange from apache to lsws.
I've just realized I can't find the RC1 installer... :(

I looked into the download and blog sections of this site but couldn't find any references to the RC1 release.

I found a link to the beta release though. Is that what you mean, mistwang?