dyn processor over limit

Hi, i searched for a while regarding this but was unable to find an answer or an explanation. I upgraded to Litespeed enterprise 6.0.12 and have recently enabled LSCache on my WordPress site. But since i did the upgrade and enabled the plugin i get this output in both my WordPress log and the LiteSpeed server log:

2022-10-20 15:27:00.547284 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -1/2
2022-10-20 15:27:02.923865 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -2/2
2022-10-20 15:27:02.999820 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -1/2
2022-10-20 15:27:03.018820 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -1/2
2022-10-20 16:36:36.244558 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -3/2
2022-10-20 16:36:37.170098 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -3/2
2022-10-20 16:36:37.171120 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -2/2
2022-10-20 16:36:37.249871 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -1/2
2022-10-20 16:40:36.783988 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -4/2
2022-10-20 16:40:37.416405 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -4/2
2022-10-20 16:40:37.542229 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -3/2
2022-10-20 16:40:37.581768 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -2/2
2022-10-20 16:40:37.609254 [NOTICE] [1913954] [T0] [] dyn processor is over limit -1/2
htdocs is both the name of the VHOST and the directory i keep the WordPress site in.

I think it's some kind of hack or bots. Any advice please.


Staff member
Do you have any monitoring WordPress plugins? It doesn't look like caused by LiteSpeed web server upgrade or LSCWP. You can disable LSCWP to give a try or downgrade Litespeed.
Thanks for the reply Pong.

I don't have any monitoring tools on WordPress but have been watching my logs over the last few days and this Notice appears to have stopped.

It's always strange when researching something and you get no results, seems no one out there on the internet has had the "dyn
processor is over limit" notice other than me.

I will continue to keep an eye on it and report back if i find any information.


Well-Known Member

FYI: Cache plugin for Wordpress is known as a perfomance killer, atleast a page isn't cached|optimized. It causes a higer load due database requests. This especailly happens if the build-in crawler is executed, but the load depends on your plugin settings. The more you enable the higher the load.

I am using the M2-Crawler via cron which runs every 3 hours. The LSCWP crawler is disabled. The crawler does not appear to trigger the Notice and the IP's in my original post are not mine. I also still find it strange that the Notice "dyn processor is over limit" does not show up anywhere on the internet.


Well-Known Member
You are using a "stupid" crawler script. Stupid means it doesn't care about the load and anything else, because it hasn't any kind of detection that can detect the load. That basically is the reason why you could you get this error message. In specific case with requests from Googlebot (66.249.*.*) or any requests that have a scraping behavour it has nothing to do with the crawler. It's just overloading a server that is unable to handle too much requests within a short time period and you should think about to upgrade your server.

I don't think it's the crawler. I'm running a VPS with 2vCPU and 2GB of RAM.

When the crawler is crawling the non-cached site (via the sitemap about 650 pages in total) it only uses just above 50% of each CPU when caching pages. This crawl takes about 4 minutes.

When the crawler runs on the site after it's been cached then it only uses about 20% of each CPU. This crawl takes just over a minute.

I never got this NOTICE until i activated the cache. What i am thinking is what you said that i probably need to up the CPU and RAM because what i think is going on is that with the pages cached and when a bot or 2 come along or a bot and a genuine visitor they push the CPU to its limit because the caching is making the site faster? OR because the site is that much faster i am picking up more traffic which causes the spike?

The site works OK and other than the NOTICE which appears intermittently everything else seems normal.


Well-Known Member

In order to determine the load on a server, it is not enough just to check the CPU load. It's about the so-called SysLoadAverage and it takes into account all the factors that can affect the load.

Regardless of that, and at least you know that, the cache plugin for Wordpress is a performance killer. This is especially true if pages are not yet cached, but this high load is not caused by the cache, but by the optimization functions.

This VPS has been running WordPress + Woocommerce + about 15 plugins and a page builder on a LiteSpeed Enterprise server (Free Edition) for a few years without caching and is selling internationally as far off as New Zealand and Japan. So i know it works.

But i am looking into setting up Prometheus on another VPS to see if i can get more insight. I will take a look at phpsysinfo too. Thanks for the link.

I am also looking at upgrading my VPS. I know those specs are low.


Well-Known Member
This VPS has been running WordPress + Woocommerce + about 15 plugins and a page builder on a LiteSpeed Enterprise server (Free Edition) for a few years without caching and is selling internationally as far off as New Zealand and Japan. So i know it works.
Yes, it worked, but with LScache plugin the case looks quite different and you can't compare the current case with LScache plugin with earlier case without cache plugin. If a page isn't cached and still isn't optimized the load (not the CPU load) is as doubled.

LiteSpeed already knows about the load issue, at least I reported it twice and LiteSpeed's plan is to re-build this plugin entirely, but there are no information when this will happen. It's just a question of manpower....