I found DynReqPerSec to limit the requests per second per cliënt on virtual host basis (https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lsws/cp/cpanel/tunings/#virtual-host-level-limiting). I would like to have more control with this setting. I'm using a comparable feature for this in Nginx at the moment (limit_req), for "/" I set it to 20 req/s and for wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php for example I set it to 6 req/s to limit the impact of an attack. For some cliënts we need to set it on specific locations, eg. more requests for /api. DynReqPerSec can only be used in the <virtual host> scope and not in more specific scopes like <location>, <directory>, <files> or it's <*Match> variants. Can this be implemented in LiteSpeed Web Server?
Thank you!
Thank you!