enterprice and cyberpanel issue

Hi, i've istalled cyberpanel and openlitespeed on EC" machine.
Then in cyberpanel i upgrade to entarprice.
My problem:

when i upgrade it unistall opl and got enterprice, in old opl panel are server listener and configuration.
Now with enterprice, litespeed the error log say always , every minuts
Processing config file: /usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/domain/vhost.conf
stop listener
start listenet
LiteSpeed/5.4.9 Enterprise starts successfully!

every time litespeed restart end configure from vhost.

in litespeed panel are not vhost, or listener configuration bat in general page there is.

I try to exclude vhost configuration and configure from panel new vhost and listener but in this case enterprise have not the permission to open site folder.

Anyone can help me.

The retsart cause latency, u think.
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Well-Known Member

CyberPanel + LiteSpeed Enterprise uses Apahce configuration file , therefore there won't be any vhost or listener in webadmin console as you saw before on OpenLiteSpeed

and yes, it's normal that LSWS restarts when you do some configure on vhost

Best regards,


Well-Known Member
then you need to check what is using the RAM/SWAP

LSWS itself doesn't use much RAM , I got same case before due to I set too wide the PHP concurrent connection , and lots PHP processes start up at same time and ate all my RAM and killed my server.


Well-Known Member
depends on how many PHP you want to handle, and your script

you need to figure out what is using the RAM , I don't think it is LSWS that using a lot of RAM


Well-Known Member
hmmmm , you don't just configure any parameter without knowing the issue first

default setting is most stable and should fit most cases

you need to figure out your issue first, and then adjust it accordingly