error 403 occurring

I installed litespeed standard according to the instructions in the manual.

But whenever I call http://<ip-adress>:7080 I get an error message "403 forbidden". Calling port 8088 shows a white page with no information in it.

Can anybody give me a hint what to do ?

The operation-system ist white dwarf linux. I installed litespeed some time ago on another computer running white dwarf and it works at once perfectly.



LiteSpeed Staff
It might be a permission problem on your file system. Like installing to a user's home directory and start the web server with user "nobody", and nobody has no permission to acess files under that directory.
hello mistwang,

many thanks for your answer.

Can you please tell me, which directory and file ist called when a user calls ip-adress:7080. I want to look for that file and set all file attributes to 777.




LiteSpeed Staff
It is lsws/admin/html.
The permissionof that directory is not the problem, as the install script always try to set right permission for all files it touched.

The permission problem is in the parent directories where LSWS was installed to. You should install LSWS install to a system directory like /opt/lsws or /usr/local/lsws, if you have to install it under a user directory, then let LSWS run on behalve of that user.
hello mistwang,

litespeed was installed in /etc/lsws , the directory was created by root.

By the way I started ls being root. But the server runs on behalf of user A.

