Error "404 Not Found" "The resources..." On MyBB Forum

So I contacted my Host Support. I told them my site kept going down. They installed LSWS and there has been no down-time at all.

I can get onto my forum but when I click on something like a Sub-Forum, It will give me an error.

404 Not Found

The resource requested could not be found on this server!
Powered By LiteSpeed Web Server
LiteSpeed Technologies is not responsible for administration and contents of this web site!
I then go into my error logs and get this...

File not found [/home/dudecraf/public_html/404.shtml]
File not found [/home/dudecraf/public_html/forum-1.html]
File not found [/home/dudecraf/public_html/forum-2.html]
File not found [/home/dudecraf/public_html/forum-3.html]
File not found [/home/dudecraf/public_html/forum-4.html]
File not found [/home/dudecraf/public_html/forum-5.html]
Does anybody know what I could do to fix this? Thanks!