here's Mental's case:
1. put bad IP in
lsws web admin -> Server -> Security -> Denied List
2. expectation:
when the bad IP access the web server (any domain on it), the server return customized 403 error html page.
my comments:
1. when bad IP in server level "Denied List" access any of the website, lsws will reset the connection at once, won't do any further operations, like looking for which virtual host or which error page etc. in firefox, the message is "The connection was reset". this is why customized 403 page not work in this case.
2.when adding an bad IP in "Denied List", it requires a lsws restart, this is not efficient at all.
best to bad this IP at OS firewall, it's much more efficient. and no need restart firewall. here's the command FYI:
#iptables -I INPUT -s bad-ip-address -j DROP
3. tested and confirmed ErrorDocument works as apache.