Features video thumbnails are not displayed


New Member

The index pages on my website don't show most of the video thumbnails, as you can see here : https://econoflash.com/category/definitions-economiques-simplifiees/lexique-economique/.

Here you can see the thumbnail : https://app.screencast.com/JBv09IeGMvYzd.
Here you can't : https://app.screencast.com/1tKysO1B17E1x.

According to the theme support, the culprits are my Light Speed settings :).

As you can see here there is no thumb , here is a thumb .

The theme support thinks that I have used the option to optimize the images, and that is why there is no thumb.

I just applied the preset like this : https://app.screencast.com/7tLvpfobRVfxC .

I did regenerate the thumbnails, but with no success.

Can you help me do the settings so that the Video thumbnails can be displayed ?

Thanks in advanced.