FileETag direcitves break rewrites?

On litespeed 4.2.2 Enterprise (confirmed on both trial and paid)
Using CentOS release 6.4 (Final) with 2.6.32-279.22.1.el6.x86_64

I've confirmed this on a fresh install, so I believe it should be accurate. It seems that using relative arguments to a FileETag directive is somehow breaking redirects.

I've set up a simple redirect using a .htaccess file like so:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} test_a.php
RewriteRule .* test_b.php
This functions as expected.

If I add the following FileETag Directive, everything continues to function as expected:

FileETag Inode MTime Size
However, trying to do the following causes the redirect to stop working:

FileETag -Inode +MTime +Size
This works fine in Apache, regardless of whether there's an explicit value to inherit or not. In lsws 4.2.2, it causes redirects to stop working. I encountered this on a clients magento site, and this is as far as I've been able to narrow it down: I can't figure out what in particular is being broken.

Not sure if this is relevant, but, none of this seems to affect the ETag response header itslef: that is formatted correctly according to whatever directive I place in the .htaccess. It's only the redirects that break. I tested this with a separate, unrelated static file in the same directory.

let me know if you need more information and I will try to obtain it.
