High Memory Usage

Our Load Balancer and our Litespeed web servers are experiencing very high memory usage right now. I trying to figure out what is causing this, but so far I havent been able to trace to any one thing. Are there any guides on settings I should look at for optimizing our server, or is more of just going through and understanding every option available?
just check "top -c" to see which process has high memory usage.
litespeed process usually keep very few memory.
Yeah thats what I thought too. I was mistaken on the on the load balancer I had too many screens open and confused it one of my other servers.The memory on that is fine. But LSPHP had tons of threads and are consuming memory. Is that optimization I need to do the LSPHP config then?


Staff member
For load balancer, it just pass requests. I did not see much need on PHP side.
For web server, check if so many PHPs are normally or not. If it is not regular patten, it could be some bad PHP code. If they are normal, try using cache to avoid php.