How do I access to LSWS panel without https

Hi, thanks for your time.

I've recently lunched a EC2 instance in Amazon, but I'm having serious troubles when getting it to work. I installed the OpenLiteSpeed One-Click Image but it doesn't work fine.

I can't access the panel because even though the port is open and firewall is well configured, it redirects automatically to https, which shows a insecure menssage on the browser.

Beisdes I can't reach WordPress or server files, for example to install WordPress, I tried to configure it by entering to ssh and following the instructions but after the domain configuration it shows "404" error every file or directory I try to reach from internet. I checked the WordPress .htaccess and it's fine.

I think it's something regarding to redirects rules but even though I've tried searching for the solution in /usr/local/lsws/conf but I couldn't solve that, that's why I'm here.

By the way, log files placed at /usr/local/lsws/logs don't show any information showing where is the 404 error coming from.

*The server OS is Ubuntu

Thank you so much.
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Staff member
Hi @Jose Granados ,

For secure reason, control panel is https supported only. We use the private cert so you may see the insecure warning which is normal.

May I know if you can see any wordpress from browser with IP address before you finish any interactive domain setup script?
Could you DM me your domain or IP address?
