Is it possible to disable php support only for one virtual host? I've searched the forum, but didn't find anything on this topic. I suppose it's shouldn't be complicated, maybe some Rewrite rules. Will apriciate any help.
Thanks for reply George,
First i tried php_admin_flag engine off in VirtualHost section in httpd.conf without any effect and the same with .htaccess while i'd read here about php_* directive support by LS in httpd.conf and .htaccess
BTW i did tried rewrite trick and works like a charm, but i had to disable AllowOverride also
Another great feature may be implemented is that httpd.conf VHosts loads in VHosts section in LSWS admin interface, then it can be fully editable, such as LS main VHosts
Another great feature may be implemented is that httpd.conf VHosts loads in VHosts section in LSWS admin interface, then it can be fully editable, such as LS main VHosts