.htaccess rules work for apache but no LS


Well-Known Member
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?pg=$1 [L,QSA]

With apache this allows requests to be directed through PHP so the PHP application can handle the Friendly URL request and display the correct page accordingly. the !-f and !-d conditions tell apache not to direct directory and file requests to PHP.

Litespeed ignores these flags and directs everything through PHP, preventing people from downloading files.


LiteSpeed Staff
It should work. You can enable rewrite log by adding

RewriteLogLevel 9

to the <VirtualHost .... > section for that vhost in httpd.conf

Rewrite log will be in lsws/conf/error.log or /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log when used with cPanel. Once we get the log, we can pinpoint the problem.


Well-Known Member
[root@*** logs]# more error.log|grep goldgoat
2008-12-03 09:50:27.909 [INFO] [***.com] [REWRITE] strip base: '/' from URI: '/goat/goldgoat.tar'
2008-12-03 09:50:27.909 [INFO] [***.com] [REWRITE] Rule: Match 'goat/goldgoat.tar' with pattern '^robots\.txt$', result: -1
2008-12-03 09:50:27.909 [INFO] [***.com] [REWRITE] Rule: Match 'goat/goldgoat.tar' with pattern '^(.*)$', result: 2
2008-12-03 09:50:27.909 [INFO] [***.com] [REWRITE] stat( /home/***/***.com/public_html/goat/goldgoat.tar ) failed
2008-12-03 09:50:27.909 [INFO] [***.com] [REWRITE] stat( /home/***/***.com/public_html/goat/goldgoat.tar ) failed
2008-12-03 09:50:27.909 [INFO] [***.com] [REWRITE] Source URI: 'goat/goldgoat.tar' => Result URI: 'index.php?pg=goat/goldgoat.tar'
2008-12-03 09:50:27.909 [INFO] [***.com] [REWRITE] append query string 'pg=goat/goldgoat.tar'
[root@*** logs]# ls /home/***/***.com/public_html/goat/goldgoat.tar
[root@*** logs]# ls /home/***/***.com/public_html/goat/
[root@*** logs]#


LiteSpeed Staff
Looks like a permission problem, maybe the user that lshttpd run as has no permission to check file status under goat/ directory.


Well-Known Member
drwxr-xr-x 2 zippy zippy 4096 Dec 1 16:44 goat
-rw-r--r-- 1 zippy zippy 12466360320 Dec 1 16:06 goldgoat.tar

even if I chown both directory and file to apache:apache I have the same problem.


LiteSpeed Staff
how about command

sudo -u apache ls .../goat/

if get permission denied, it is a permission problem, otherwise, we have to look somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
[root@srv goat]# sudo -u apache ls ../goat/
audit_log_user_command(): Connection refused

[root@*** goat]# ps aux|grep http
root 9851 0.0 0.2 5148 2300 ? S 10:05 0:00 lshttpd
root 9852 0.0 0.0 1592 336 ? S 10:05 0:00 httpd (lscgid)
apache 9853 0.0 0.1 5340 2072 ? S 10:05 0:00 lshttpd

[root@*** goat]# ps aux|grep php
apache 9866 0.0 0.9 26676 9480 ? S 11:39 0:00 lsphp5
apache 26233 0.0 0.7 22968 8324 ? Ss 10:22 0:00 lsphp5


LiteSpeed Staff
goldgoat.tar is a 12GB file, without Large file support, stat() function will fail.
Our 4.0b3 has large file support for 32bit OS, you can give it a try.