I am not able to run python

I have read litespeed wiki / openlitespeed wiki
I am using openlitespeed server
So i am running an flask python app I have took all the required steps mentioned in your site but it didn't work out as of now I have temporarily disabled open litespeed listener to run my app but if I try to on the Listener and run my app it's not working please help if you want we can have a video session and I can explain more briefly/give my server login temporarily



Staff member
Sure,can you help to let us know whats the error log and what did you did so far?
A screenshot for the context settings sometimes can helps.
also, are you testing with virtualenv or not?


Staff member
Please check stderr.log under the "demo" or your app folder, e.g. "/usr/local/lsws/Example/html/demo/stderr.log" when you see the 500 error. Sometimes "/usr/local/lsws/logs/error.log" can also helps.