I'm behind SYN FLOOD with Spoofed IP'S

I know

Yes, I knew it was not LSWS related but you know all!
I have already enabled syn cookies and it's the same... I can't get why is this happenning... Its a 200 mbps ddos, anyway i have a 10 gbps server but all the same all the cpu is laggy!!
Any other suggestions?

PS: Are you helping to fully configure a server with LSWS if I pay you?
Just a question

"Set up script to block attacking IP automatically via iptables based on web server detection result. "

Actually the requests NEVER get into the server, there are like 3000 ip's differents all with state SYN_RECEIVED getting a 200MBPS attack.

Have optimized ALL centos configuration based on all I could find on internet and the ddos still gets my ded down.
The cpu use goes full and the conection usage to 250 mbps. There are lots of SYN_rECEIVED packets.
There's no way to stop this... What to do?
Internet connection is 10gbps so that's not the problem, it's that cpu usage goes to the limit.
Finally solution

I even set up the iptables to block ALL ALL THE REQUESTS ALL, iptables -i INPUT -j DROP and still got behind attack!

Conclusion: External firewall is the only solution.