Im lost

Recently, i run a server with cyberpanel in digitalocean. As i use wordpress , LScache seems quite powerful for me and i decided to use Litespeed instead of nginx.
But the fact is that im having gret problems. I run a server with 16gb RAM and 8 cpus and website is slower than before in my shared hosting.
On the other hand i installed a wordpress from a domain to makes a 301 redirection for all this content, putting code in htaccess and its not working...
Cyberpanel 2.0 seems using LS 1.6.1 when i see here that last version is 5.6.1 , maybe enterprise.
Sometimes when i connect HTTP2 in LScache makes a 503 error.
Somebody here can help me?
My question is
1. To host in a server one big project and several wordpress to make 301 redirection to to big project, do i need enterprise edition?
how can i upgrade the free version? is it free version limited and then i cannot make 301 code Apache in htaccss?
What happens with speed? TTFB is very high even with blank wordpress

Many thanks in advance