Imagick with cPanel

i have problems with using Imagick in PHP.
I try to use Imagick this way: $imagick = new Imagick($image);

But I get the message: Fatal error: Class 'Imagick' not found in ...

The Server admin told he has installed Imagick in WHM via PHP Pecl Installer.

The php.ini looks fine: extension = ""

LiteSpeed Version is: Litespeed Web Server Enterprise v4.2.23

Can anyone help me to use Imagick?
Thank you for your quick answer.
I can't find imagick in my phpinfo().

My server admin told me imagick is active.
What can I do?
What can he do, to fix it?


LiteSpeed Staff
switch back to Apache temporarily, check phpinfo() from Apache see if it is available, make sure it is.
then check if the exists in the extension directory used in LiteSpeed phpinfo() , load extension from php.ini.
If Apache and LiteSpeed uses the same version of PHP and load php.ini from the same location, the extension should be loaded automatically, if PHP or php.ini location is different, have to make them available.

If CloudLinux CageFS is in use, need to make sure the CagsFS skeleton has been updated.