Initial setup of RoR on a cPanel box


Well-Known Member
This is my first time setting up a RoR enviroment (on a play server) and unfortunately the wiki is a bit confusing and seems to be out of date (maybe). Could someone outline what needs to be done to get RoR setup for a shared cPanel server?

Here is what I've done so far:

- Installed Ruby
- Installed Rails gem
- Installed mysql gem

What I'm mostly confused about is what has to be done (if anything) in the vhost config of LSAPI vs what needs to be done in the .ls_rails_config file but any/all advice will be greatly appreciated.




LiteSpeed Staff
Install LSAPI, set the configurations under the "Ruby" tab.
Then just set ".ls_rails_config" as the example in our wiki.

It is an Enterprise feature.


Well-Known Member
I have this configured but am running into an issue.

I am trying to setup a Rails app on a subdomain of a domain I have created through cPanel...

I have shared hosting on, in the RoR tab, and the .ls_rails_config file located in the users root.

Here's the error I get,

[config] Access to handler [] from [] is denied!
For the record, my .ls_rails_config looks like so:

#RailsApp <name> <App Path> <Rails Evn> <Children Processes> <RunOnStart>
RailsApp epr "public_html/epr" "production" 2 1

#RailsAppMap <name> <domain> <URI>
RailsAppMap epr "" "/"
I am trying to setup,

Any idea why this won't work? I have a completely standard cPanel install.

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Well-Known Member
A problem with subdomain configuration. This issue will be addressed in 3.2.2 release.
Heh, when do you guys expect 3.2.2 to be out? It just so happens I was planning on launching a site this way, but I guess in the interim I can do a manual config for it.
