I'm trying to configure a rails capistrano script to be used with Amazon's EC2 virtual servers. My script is designed to setup my entire server from script, including litespeed. I'm stuck on the LS .install.sh script. Part of the script wget's the latest litespeed package.
Is there a way to configure litespeed from the command line with script?
(I know I could just install litespeed and then save and register a new image. But I'd like to do it all from script for flexibility and automation sake.)
I've included part of my deploy script below to give you a better sense:
I'm trying to configure a rails capistrano script to be used with Amazon's EC2 virtual servers. My script is designed to setup my entire server from script, including litespeed. I'm stuck on the LS .install.sh script. Part of the script wget's the latest litespeed package.
Is there a way to configure litespeed from the command line with script?
(I know I could just install litespeed and then save and register a new image. But I'd like to do it all from script for flexibility and automation sake.)
I've included part of my deploy script below to give you a better sense:
task :install_software do
#Ruby Gems
run <<-CMD
wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/11289/rubygems-0.9.0.tgz &&
tar -xvf rubygems-0.9.0.tgz
run "cd rubygems-0.9.0 && sudo ruby setup.rb" do |channel, stream, data|
if data =~ /^Password:/
channel.send_data "mypassword\n"
run "cd .. && rm ruby* -drf"
sudo "gem install -y --no-rdoc --no-ri rails"
#Litespeed's ruby-lsapi
sudo "gem install ruby-lsapi"
run <<-CMD
wget http://litespeedtech.com/packages/2.2/std/lsws-2.2.6-std-i386-linux.tar.gz &&
tar -xvf lsws-2.2.6-std-i386-linux.tar.gz
run "cd lsws-2.2.6 && sudo ./install.sh" do |channel, stream, data|
if data =~ /^Password:/
channel.send_data "mypassword\n"