Installing memcache

Hi all!
I'm really liking my trial weeks of litespeed...the website is really faster.

I recompiled latest version of php via litespeed control panel, flagging the option to install memcache.

After a couple of graceful restarts, I can't still find it... please check my php info page:

Any idea why?

Question: my phpinfo file gives me this path for the php.ini file (so I can modify it to add memcached)

Configuration File (php.ini) Path/usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib
Loaded Configuration File(none)
Scan this dir for additional .ini files(none)
Additional .ini files parsed(none)

If I try to ftp or ssh this file, I can't find it... any idea why?


because php.ini not exist yet --- you can create a new one

-- or --
there are 2 php.ini files within a php package:

just copy and rename one of them to /usr/local/lsws/lsphp5/lib/php.ini
Wow! We are almost there!
Finally I was able to add a php.ini file, that is woking (I changed max file size and it worked).

Only problem is, when I add , the extension is not loading even if it's in the extension directory (I checked). Every time I did a graceful restart.

I tried with xcache, and it loaded correctly.... any idea? Thanks