Is docker good choices while having multiple domains?

First I am very new to docker,
But after good research I find out it’s very good tool use especially if I am planing to have several domains.
now what is your experience of lite speed with docker environment. Or because it’s still in beta I should remain till further upgrade.
thank you all

It's in stable version. If you just need a pure LS web server, check this doc
If you need extra functions like domain add/Let's encrypt apply/wordpress installation, please check

Thank you for the reply
Very good to know it’s stable.
Using it lite speed is well explained, great, but I am using cyber panel and it has docker mangment.but not sure with clear steps to follow up.
I installed cyber panel with lite speed normallly fine. Than In cyber panel installed docker, than what.
what should I do. Can you explain please
Very important, am I going to use cyber panel normally? What is conditions at this point?
Thank you in advance
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Staff member
Oh, you want to run docker on cyberpanel, then you can't. CyberPanel already has the web server running and listening on port 80/443. Since you already have the control panel, you should control domains from it.
I knew that I am missing something. Because when I see On cyber panel so I thought that I am able to use docker there.
So why darker is on cyber panel I wonder?