LiteMage cache for Magento

I need to know if the TTL settings in the LiteMage module are just expiry settings or if they also take care of the LiteMage cache cleanup.

These are the settings in question:

LiteMage Configuration => General Settings

Default Public Cache TTL (seconds) 28800
Default Private Cache TTL (seconds) 3600

And over on the Wiki, it says that we need to trigger a separate process to actually remove the files.

Like most caches, LiteMage Cache needs to be periodically cleaned to prevent the cache storage from growing too large. Deleting these files by flushing the cache through Magento could slow down your site and it would instead be preferable to do this cleaning in a separate process. To this end LiteMage will only mark files as “expired” when the cache is flushed instead of deleting them outright. To do the actual cleaning, we have included a script in the admin/misc directory of your LSWS installation directory.
  • -priv <age_mins> - (Optional) - Determines the maximum age (in minutes) of items stored in the private cache. The default value is 60 minutes. If set, value must be greater than 0.
  • -pub <age_mins> - (Optional) - Determines the maximum age (in minutes) of items stored in the public cache. The default value is 0, meaning public cache will not be purged. If set, value must be greater than 10.
Do the Control Panel settings merely expire the LiteMage cache entries or do they control purging the files (file deletion)?


LiteSpeed Staff
Staff member
Let web server to clean up the expired cache is not efficient. lsws will only try to physically remove the files using under special conditions: like when too many expired private sessions. When you do purge all from admin panel, just a marker, not real removing files. You will need to set up a cron job to remove the files using that script. Just make sure the parameters are in sync with what you configured.