Litemage for Magento 2



Brief steps to install LiteMage 2:
( Assume store is under developer mode )
1, download the zip package, unpack it to the following path: app/code/Litespeed/Litemage
2, php bin/magento module:enable Litespeed_Litemage
3, run the setup:upgrade command with bin/magento
4, run the cache:flush command with bin/magento
5, run the setup:di:compile command with bin/magento
(notes: normally for single store, need to run the compile command, but if it's not working and giving error,
then delete the var/di folder and try the command setup:di:compile-multi-tenant; Currently there is some issue with the single-tenanet compiler)

Depending on your m2 filesystem ownership you may need to change the ownership of the package files and su to the owner to do those commands.
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Above is for installation.

To enable LiteMage 2 after installation:

1, Add "LiteMage on" to .htaccess file

2, Go to Store -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Advanced, make sure LiteMage is enabled

3, Go to Store -> Configuration -> Advanced -> System -> Full Page Cache, choose LiteMage

4, Go to System -> Cache Management, refresh configuration and page cache

5, Visit and refresh the store site, look for LiteMage header.