Litespeed 4.2.1 Custom PHP Issue w\Daemon Mode


I've tried 4.2.1 out however I'm having issues with the PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR environmental variable. If Daemon mode is enabled and this line is in the environmental section "PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=$VH_ROOT" it seems the the scan_dir var is set to /usr/local/lsws/, this is shown by dumping $_ENV and also in phpinfo under the "Scan this dir for additional .ini files" section.

If I change it to be "PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=$VH_ROOT/php" it breaks some websites and the phpinfo section for Scan this dir is set to /usr/local/lsws/php

I read that 4.2.1 addresses issues with custom php.ini, is there a different way to set custom PHP files in 4.2.1 or am I doing something wrong? I reproduced this issue on multiple servers and also completely removed Litespeed and installed it again with default settings. The issue persists regardless of what I do.