Litespeed 5.3.8 - failed to connect to database

I recently left apache to use litespeed, and since i migrated to litespeed i have a lot of glitches to connect to the database.

Sometimes it fails to connect to database.


Sometimes connects sometimes not.


Staff member
Hi @Daniel Marques ,

Possible too many sql request? Could you also put a top command output result when issue happens?
Have you tried lscache enabled?
Did you also tried object cache?

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I dont have print 'top'
I checked that the error occurs with all database requests, even a simple SELECT query already returns me error

An example I'm using WHMCS and out of nowhere it loses the database connection so I refresh the page a few times and it goes back to work


Staff member
LiteSpeed is webserver and it should have nothing to do with PHP and mysql side, these are different layer of stuff.
If you are WHM, you can easily switch between apache and LSWS and you may find it happens to apache as well. these kind of error have nothing to do with either apache or LiteSpeed. just need to investigate the database/php issue