Litespeed and eCommerce

So I got an ecommerce site set up with Litespeed cache and I was really happy because it was nice and fast.
Then I discovered that it cache the cart, so when you go to the checkout page you see old items, not the ones you just added to cart.
So I disabled Public cache entirely in htaccess but the site is much slower.
How can I get my performance but not cache that one area of the page/site?


LiteSpeed Staff
usually, it need ESI hole punch to keep some part of a cached page dynamic, requires a cache plugin.
Unfortunately, we have no plan to develop plugin for Concrete5 due to its popularity.


Staff member
If the shopping cart is always displayed on its own separate page, can you simply exclude the shopping cart page from being cached? Or maybe you can use private cache for that page? I'm not familiar with Concrete5, so I can't give you any specific advice, but there are several rewrite rule examples in this wiki. Maybe something there will be helpful.
I think you need to review the cart you are using. It can be a problem with code or configurations when you add new products.
The other reason can be in cache.