LiteSpeed Cache WP plugin translations


Well-Known Member

Presuming that you plan to publish your plugin to the official repository, you will soon be required (if it's not already the case) that the plugin is translated to multilple languages.

The current language files of the first beta version, only have 17 expressions so the plugin is not yet fully translatable, and there is one mistake : You left Google XML Sitemaps plugin in the following phrase :

LiteSpeed Cache WP Plugin requires at least PHP %3$s. You are using PHP %2$s, which is out-dated and insecure. Please ask your web host to update your PHP installation or go to <a href="%1$s">active plugins</a> and deactivate the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to hide this message.

Although I know it's very likely useless at this point as lots of things will change, I have translated the current 17 expressions to French and have attached the po and mo files.



LiteSpeed Staff
Staff member
Hi, Wanah,

Thanks a lot. This is a preliminary release. I have not finalized all the messages in English. When relatively settled, I'll make the code to use the translator for every GUI mesg. Will let you know when ready.

Have you tested the plugin? Any feedback?



Well-Known Member
I've tested the plugin on a test website with default data, and everthing seems to work well.

If I have to say anything about it, maybe their could be a basic options tab and an an advanced options tab, so that there are absolutly no options in the basic options tab that a user would need to ask questions about.

Our custimers currently use WP-Rocket and what's most appreciated about it is that it makes everything as easy as posible. I believe that litespeed cache could be even easier with just a enable cache checkbox and cache ttl field. Keeping settings for different pages, exclusions etc in a seperate advanced tab.

I haven't tested if the plugin makes use of WordPress's no cache properity that WooCommerce now uses on pages that shouldn't be cached.

While we are waiting for litespeed WooCommerce cache with ESI support, just automaticaly excluding pages with a no cache property that WooCommerce set's would be a great start to bring LSCache on paar with other tools.
Caching plugin seems to be working better than your recommended .htaccess rules. Not seeing anything odd being cached in the backend.

When do you expect this to be published in the WordPress plugin repository so it can be easily updated?